Doctor Retention in a COVID-world: an opportunity to reconfigure the health workforce, or “Plus ça change plus c’est la meme chose”? A Response to Commentaries on “Doctor Retention: A Cross-sectional Study of How Ireland Has Been Losing the Battle International Journal of Health Policy and Management (IJHPM) Click here to read the article. Doctor Retention: A Cross-sectional Study of How Ireland Has Been Losing the Battle International Journal of Health Policy and Management (IJHPM) Click here to read the article. The impacts of training pathways and experiences during intern year on doctor emigration from Ireland Human Resources for Health 06 November 2019 Click here to read the article. Retaining Our Doctors: Medical Workforce Evidence, 2013-18 RCSI Health Workforce Research Group May 2018 Click here to read the article. “We've all had patients who've died …”: Narratives of emotion and ideals of competence among junior doctors RCSI Repository August 2018 Click here to read the article. ‘You do not cross them’: Hierarchy and emotion in doctors' narratives of power relations in specialist training ScienceDirect August 2017 Click here to read the article. Factors influencing trainee doctor emigration in a high income country: a mixed methods study
Human Resources for Health 2017 Click here to read the article. Results from the 2018 NCHD Retention survey Forum of Irish Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies 11th February 2020 Professor Ruairí Brugha Click here to view the Presentation. Results from the 2018 Intern Tracking and NCHD Retention surveys 21st meeting of the MacCraith Strategic Review of Medical Training and Career Structures Implementation Monitoring Group 13th December 2019 Department of Health Professor Ruairí Brugha Click here to view the Presentation. Results from the Medical Career Tracking survey of NCHDs Consultation meeting with Forum of Irish Postgraduate Medical Training Body Trainee Reps 28th November 2019 Department of Health Click here to view the Presentation. Wellbeing among trainees, interns and non-training scheme doctors Who is at risk? Lead NCHD Workshop HSE National Doctor Training and Planning 20th September 2019 Professor Ruairí Brugha Click here to view the Presentation. Wellbeing among trainees, interns and non-training scheme doctors Lead NCHD Workshop on Wellbeing HSE National Doctor Training and Planning 5th April 2019 Professor Ruairí Brugha Click here to view the Presentation. “Joining the conversation ...... planning the workforce through evidence” Inaugural Strategic Workforce Planning and Intelligence Conference Department of Health 20th February 2019 Ruairí Brugha Click here to view the Presentation. Ireland’s international medical workforce: an analysis of linked medical council and medical workforce databases Improving the monitoring of health workforce and health workforce migration 12 October 2018, OECD Paris Ruairí Brugha Click here to view the Presentation. Retaining Our Doctors: Medical Workforce Evidence, 2013-17 RCSI Health Workforce Research Group 13th November 2017 Click here to view the Presentation. MedTrack: A longitudinal medical career tracking study
Meeting of the Deans of Medical Schools 20th October 2017 Professor Ruairí Brugha, RCSI Year 3 case study: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain: Ireland’s nursing and midwifery workforce15/4/2018
Brain Drain to Brain Gain Project
Title: Brain Drain to Brain Gain: Ireland's Two-Way Flow of Doctors Authors: Walsh A., Brugha R Title: Ireland: A Destination and Source Country for Health Professional Migration. Authors: Brugha R., McAleese S. Humphries N. 2016 'Doctor Emigration Project' and 'Failure to Retain' Humphries, N., Crowe, S., & Brugha, R. (2018). Failing to retain a new generation of doctors: qualitative insights from a high-income country. BMC Health Serv Res, 18(1), 144. doi:10.1186/s12913-018-2927-y Humphries, N., Crowe, S., McDermott, C., McAleese, S., & Brugha, R. (2017). The consequences of Ireland’s culture of medical migration. Human Resources for Health, 15(1), 87. doi:10.1186/s12960-017-0263-7 Crowe, S., Clarke, N., & Brugha, R. (2017). 'You do not cross them': Hierarchy and emotion in doctors' narratives of power relations in specialist training. Soc Sci Med, 186, 70-77. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.05.048 Clarke N, Crowe S, Humphries N, Conroy R, O’Hare S, Kavanagh P, Brugha R. Factors influencing trainee doctor emigration in a high income country: a mixed methods study. Hum Resour Health 2017 15 (1): 66 Title: Gone for good? An online survey of emigrant health professionals using Facebook as a recruitment tool Authors: McAleese S, Clyne B, Matthews A, Brugha R, Humphries N. 2016 Human Resources for Health: 14 (S1): 34 doi: 10.1186/s12960-016-0130-y. Title: ‘Emigration is a matter of self-preservation. The working conditions . . . are killing us slowly’: qualitative insights into health professional emigration from Ireland.” Authors: Humphries N, McAleese S, Matthews A, Brugha R. 2015. Human Resources for Health: 13 (1); doi:10.1186/s12960-015-0022-6. Title: Irish Trainees Continuing to Emigrate. IMJ Editorial. Authors: Brugha R, Crowe S, Humphries N. 2015. Irish Medial Journal: 108 (9); 262 Title: NCHD emigration crisis and the need for consultant-delivered care Author: Kelleher E., Brugha R. 2013 Irish Medical Journal: 106 (5): 133-4 Doctor Migration Project Title: Passing through – reasons why migrant doctors in Ireland plan to stay, return home or migrate onwards to new destination countries. Author: Brugha R, McAleese S, Dicker P, Tyrrell E, Thomas S, Normand C, Humphries N. 2016. Human Resources for Health:14; doi:10.1186/s12960-016-0121-z. Title: Predictors of career progression and obstacles and opportunities for non-EU hospital doctors to undertake postgraduate training in Ireland. Authors: Tyrrell E, Keegan C, Humphries N, McAleese S, Thomas S, Normand C, Brugha R. 2016. Human Resources for Health: 14. doi:10.1186/s12960-016-0120-0. Title: Applying a typology of health worker migration to non-EU migrant doctors in Ireland. Authors: Humphries N, McAleese S, Tyrrell E, Thomas S, Normand C, Brugha R. 2015. Human Resources for Health: 13 (1); doi:10.1186/s12960-015-0042-2. Title: “I am in a kind of stalemate”. The experiences of non-EU migrant doctors in Ireland Authors: Humphries N, Bidwell P, Tyrrell E, Brugha R, Thomas S, Normand C. 2014 In: Buchan J, Wismar M, Glinos IA, Bremner J. editors. Health professional mobility in a changing Europe. New dynamics, mobile individuals and diverse response. The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (World Health Organisation); 2014. p. 233-250. Title: The National and International Implications of a Decade of Doctor Migration in the Irish Context. Authors: Bidwell P, Humphries N, Dicker P, Thomas S, Normand C, Brugha R. 2013. Health Policy: 110 (1); 29–38. Title: A cycle of brain gain, waste and drain – a qualitative study of non-EU migrant doctors in Ireland. Authors: Humphries N, Tyrrell E, McAleese S, Bidwell P, Thomas S, Normand C, Brugha R. 2013. Human Resources for Health: 11 (63); 10–1186. Nurse Migration Project Title: Nurse migration and health workforce planning: Ireland as illustrative of international challenges. Authors: Humphries N, Brugha R, McGee H. 2012. Health Policy: 107 (1); 44–53. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2012.06.007. Title: “I won’t be staying here for long”: a qualitative study on the Retention of migrant nurses in Ireland. Authors: Humphries N, Brugha R, McGee H. 2009. Human Resources for Health: 7 (1); 68 doi:10.1186/1478-4491-7-68. Title: Sending money home: a mixed-methods study of remittances by migrant nurses in Ireland. Authors: Humphries N, Brugha R, McGee H. 2009. Human Resources for Health: 7 (1); 66. doi:10.1186/1478-4491-7-66. Title: Overseas nurse recruitment: Ireland as an illustration of the dynamic nature of nurse migration. Authors: Humphries N, Brugha R, McGee H. 2008. Health Policy: 87 (2); 264-72. doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2007.12.014 Title: Career Progression of Migrant Nurses in Ireland: Nurse Migration Project Policy Brief 5 Authors: Humphries N, Brugha R, McGee H. 2009 Title: A Profile of Migrant Nurses in Ireland. Nurse Migration Project Policy Brief 4 Authors: Humphries N, Brugha R, McGee H. 2009 Title: Retaining Migrant Nurses in Ireland II. Nurse Migration Project Policy Brief 3 Authors: Humphries N, Brugha R, McGee H. 2009 Title: Retaining Migrant Nurses in Ireland. Nurse Migration Project Policy Brief 2 Authors: Humphries N, Brugha R, McGee H. 2008 Title: Nurse Migration to Ireland: An Overview. Nurse Migration Project Policy Brief 1 Authors: Humphries N, Brugha R, McGee H. 2008 Conference presentations Title: Non-EU migrant doctors in Ireland: applying a typology of health worker migration Humphries N, McAleese S, Tyrrell E, Thomas S, Normand C, Brugha R. 2014. Health Services Research. 14 (S2): 021 Title: WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel. Brugha, R. 2012. Title: International Medical Graduates in Ireland: Trends, 2000-2010. R Brugha Irish Forum for Global Health Conference, 2012 Other publications Title: The Feminisation of Medicine: A Qualitative Study of the Career Experiences of Female Doctors and Implications for Human Resources Management in Ireland. Author: McAleese S. 2013. Dublin: RCSI. Title: Through doctors’ eyes: A qualitative study of hospital doctor perspectives on their working conditions. Authors: McGowan Y, Humphries N, Burke H, Conroy M, Morgan K. 2013. British Journal of Health Psychology 18 (4): 874–91. doi:10.1111/bjhp.12037. Press Release: Ireland among top countries globally for reliance on foreign doctors![]()
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