The Irish Medical Career Tracking Study MedTrack,
funded by the HRB and conducted by the RCSI, is Ireland’s first longitudinal medical career tracking study, aiming to ascertain, analyse and track the career intentions and decisions of Irish medical graduates. In 2016-17, we conducted a baseline survey of all Final Med students’ career intentions (66% response rate among Irish / EU nationals) and obtained their consent for follow-up. In June 2018, we did a follow-up survey of these respondents in their final month of internship to ascertain their migration and specialty intentions, and to analyse associated factors In January-February 2018, we conducted a survey of 1,148 NCHDs (trainees and non-trainees) to measure the costs to them of postgraduate training, to ascertain their migration intentions and to analyse associated factors. |
To see who we are, click here. To see recent publication, click here (The impacts of training pathways and experiences during intern year). To see recent publication, click here (Doctor Retention: A Cross-sectional Study of How Ireland Has Been Losing the Battle) |