COSECSA Surgical Workforce Survey 2017Case Study 1 | Case Study 2 | Case Study 3
In an effort to improve surgical training and the support of practising surgeons in East, Central and Southern Africa, COSECSA invites you to complete this survey, which examines the intentions and factors that may lead to African surgeons emigrating or staying in Africa. This research project is being conducted by COSECSA in partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI).
Principal investigator's name: Prof. Ruairí Brugha
Principal investigator's title: Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Medicine Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Telephone number of Principal Investigator: + 353 1- 402 2424 |
The survey asks respondents about their surgical qualifications, specialties and surgical workloads. It also asks respondents if they intend to emigrate or stay within the region; and about the factors that might determine such a decision.
The findings will produce a profile of the training and career intentions of surgeons working in the countries of East, Central and Southern Africa. These will guide COSECSA’s work, and will be used to inform national, regional and global policy makers about the types of measures are needed to retain African surgeons within the region.
Before you decide whether or not you wish to take part, you should read the information provided below and overleaf. If you have questions, please contact us. Our email addresses are at the bottom. Do not feel rushed or under pressure to make a quick decision. You should understand the benefits and any risks from taking part in this study so that you can make a decision that is right for you. This process is known as ‘Informed Consent’.
You do not have to take part in this survey. Also, you can change your mind at any time and stop entering responses to the survey; and you do not have to give us a reason.
The findings will produce a profile of the training and career intentions of surgeons working in the countries of East, Central and Southern Africa. These will guide COSECSA’s work, and will be used to inform national, regional and global policy makers about the types of measures are needed to retain African surgeons within the region.
Before you decide whether or not you wish to take part, you should read the information provided below and overleaf. If you have questions, please contact us. Our email addresses are at the bottom. Do not feel rushed or under pressure to make a quick decision. You should understand the benefits and any risks from taking part in this study so that you can make a decision that is right for you. This process is known as ‘Informed Consent’.
You do not have to take part in this survey. Also, you can change your mind at any time and stop entering responses to the survey; and you do not have to give us a reason.
Why is this study being done?
Firstly, the results will give COSECSA a better understanding of the profile, needs and views of African surgeons, to inform the services and supports that it offers. It will also help COSECSA in representing the interests of surgeons so as to promote the surgical needs of the populations they serve. Secondly, the information will help national and global policy makers and their development partners to understand African surgeons’ career intentions, so as to identify the systems and incentives needed to retain African surgeons working in Africa. It will also help to determine if providing postgraduate surgical training in Africa, whether through COSECSA and/or M Med training, is contributing to the retention of surgeons in Africa. Why am I being asked to take part?
As a surgeon working in Africa, you are uniquely placed to provide insight into your qualifications, experience and about factors that might lead to a decision to emigrate. What is involved if I agree to take part?
The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. Any information you provide will be completely confidential. All other survey responses you provide will be completely anonymous. Therefore, no one will be able to connect your survey answers with your identity. What are the risks?
We believe that there is no risk from participating in this study – see study confidentiality. Will it cost me anything to take part?
It will not cost you anything to take part in this study. Is the study confidential?
This study is completely confidential. Only the research team will have access to the survey data that you provide, which will be kept under secure password protected conditions. Any data generated by this survey that is used in publications or conference presentations will remain anonymous. Therefore, your confidentiality will be protected. The survey data (your responses) will be kept for 7 years in accordance with the RCSI data protection policy, at which point it will be destroyed. |
Who is organising and funding this study?
This research project is being conducted by COSECSA in partnership with the RCSI. The principal investigator of this study is Prof. Ruairí Brugha (RCSI Health Workforce Research Group). Funding support for the study comes from the project “Brain Drain to Brain Gain ‐Supporting WHO Code of practice on International Recruitment of Health personnel for Better Management of Health Worker Migration” - DCI-MIGR/2013/282-931”, co-funded by the European Union and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, coordinated by the Global Health Workforce Alliance at the World Health Organization. How will the study be carried out?
The survey consists of approximately 25 questions. You have been invited to participate through an email from COSECSA. The email includes a link to information about the survey (the information provided here) and how the data and findings will be used – see ‘what are the benefits?’ below. This is to allow potential participants make an informed decision. What are the benefits?
The aim is to generate an understanding for national, regional and global policy makers of the types of measures needed to retain African surgeons within the region, so as to ensure their skills and training bring maximum benefit to Africa. We commit to doing all we can to achieve the common aim of benefiting the health of Africans by ensuring that the findings are brought to the attention of national and global decision makers so that they are used to promote the retention of highly skilled surgeons in Africa. Outputs will include a summary of survey findings that will be included in a future COSECSA newsletter. As reports or papers are published, links to these will be sent to the COSECSA membership and to all who received this invitation. Where can I get further information?
If you have any further questions about the study please contact Avril Hutch or Judith Andrew using the information below. You can opt out of the study at any time. Avril Hutch: [email protected] Ph: +353 1 4022704 Judith Andrew: [email protected] Ph: +255 27 254 9362 |
COSECSA Surgical Workforce Survey 2017 Information Sheet |